Recruiting, Training & Retaining the Next Generation of Technicians with Cindy Sheridan of PHCC Educational Foundation & Carl Pinto of Bradford White

Recruiting, Training & Retaining the Next Generation of Technicians with Cindy Sheridan of PHCC Educational Foundation & Carl Pinto of Bradford White

Cindy Sheridan, COO of the PHCC Educational Foundation, and Carl Pinto, senior director of marketing communications for Bradford White, a longtime CertainPath partner talk about a subject the affects EVERYONE watching or listening: That’s recruiting, training, & retaining the next generation of technicians. Cindy and Carl offer some eye-opening and informative insights that you’ll be glad to know.


Recruiting, Training & Retaining the Next Generation of Technicians with Cindy Sheridan of PHCC Educational Foundation & Carl Pinto of Bradford White

The Successful Contractor Podcast – NEW EPISODE

This episode features an interview with Cindy Sheridan, COO of the PHCC Educational Foundation, and Carl Pinto, senior director of marketing communications for Bradford White, a longtime CertainPath partner. We’re discussing a subject that affects EVERYONE watching or listening: recruiting, training, and retaining the next generation of technicians. Cindy and Carl offer some eye-opening and informative insights that you’ll be glad to know.

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