Win with Positivity: Ben Bakeris of Bakeris Roofing in Runnells, IA, Sold $2.2M in ’21 and is On Track to Blow Past that Number in ’22

Win with Positivity: Ben Bakeris of Bakeris Roofing in Runnells, IA, Sold $2.2M in ’21 and is On Track to Blow Past that Number in ’22
The Successful Contractor Podcast – NEW EPISODE
This episode is an interview with Ben Bakeris, a salesperson, with Bakeris Roofing in Runnells, IA. Ben sold $2.2M in 2021, and as of this interview in early May, he already was at $1.3M. So, he’s poised for a record year. As you will hear, Ben succeeds through being positive. That positivity allows him to connect with people. It’s easy to see why homeowners want to buy from him. For our roofing contractors, you’re going to really enjoy this episode, as Ben carefully and with great details walks you through his entire sales process.