How Baker Brothers Rallied to $93MM & Great EBITDA after a Slow January: President Jimmie Dale's Leadership, Marketing, & Operational Secrets & Strategies

How Baker Brothers Rallied to $93MM & Great EBITDA after a Slow January: President Jimmie Dale’s Leadership, Marketing, & Operational Secrets & Strategies
The Successful Contractor Podcast – NEW EPISODE
Jimmie Dale is the president of Baker Brothers, a residential home services company that specializes in plumbing, HVAC, and electrical. Baker Brothers is one of the largest home services companies in the DFW area and the country with sales approximately $93MM. (He started with CertainPath in 2008 with revenues around $3MM.) Today, he’s a member-leader within the organization.
In 2022, Baker Brothers had a resoundingly successful year. Both its top and bottom lines grew an impressive 35%. When the calendar turned to January of 2023, the phones went silent, like many other companies across the country. In this interview, Jimmie talks about how he navigated Baker Brothers through this tough beginning to have another record year. Jimmie also shared his insights on many critical topics facing our industry today, including…
- What he said to his entire company in January to rally and motivate his team.
- Why he increased prices even with a slower start.
- What adjustments he made to his marketing strategy to get the phones ringing.
- How he is changing his TV advertising strategy in 2024 because of the economy.
- What critical branding strategies companies often mess up.
- The two critical actions business owners must do when facing challenging times.
- What operational adjustments in he made in 2023 to have another stellar year.
- How Baker Brothers is using AI in its business—and how it will evolve over time.
- What contractors must do to grow from $3MM to $10MM to $20MM to $100MM and more.
- The one action all small contractors must take if they want to get out of the grind of doing everything themselves.
- And so much more!